The Art of Mindfulness: Understanding its Three Components and Developing a Routine

Mindfulness is a practice that requires being present and aware of our surroundings. It allows us to avoid feeling overwhelmed and reactive to what's happening around us and instead helps us remain focused on the present moment. Regular mindfulness practice will help you achieve a better state of mind, and it's essential to be intentional and deliberate in your routine.

There are three aspects of mindfulness:

Intention - Setting a goal to achieve from your mindfulness practice.

Attention - Paying attention to your experiences, both inner and outer, without judgment.

Attitude - Noting your attitudes, especially those related to non-judgmental spaces like curiosity, acceptance, and kindness, can increase mindfulness.

When practicing mindfulness, try to be in a non-judgmental space where you can experience anything you want. This will help you continue to learn and grow in life. 

Creating a Mindfulness Routine: Your "Schedule"

Are you looking to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine? Try out this simple, yet effective approach – Schedule. Set aside a specific time each day to focus on mindfulness. Here's how to get started:

Notice the present moment: Find a quiet place and take some time to observe. You don't need to calm or quiet your mind, the aim is to be mindful of the present moment without judgment.

Implement curiosity, acceptance, and kindness: If any judgments arise, simply take note of them and let them go. Keep bringing yourself back to the present moment and observe what's happening around you.

Be gentle with yourself: Don't judge yourself if your mind wanders, just guide it back to observing the present moment. Remember, it takes practice.

Creating a mindfulness routine may seem simple, but it's not always easy. Be kind and patient with yourself, and soon you'll be on your way to a more mindful and centered life.

The Power of Mindfulness: Benefits for Your Physical and Mental Health

Have you ever wondered what mindfulness can do for you? The answer is a lot! Here are a few examples to pique your interest. In the upcoming weeks, we'll delve deeper into each of these topics.

  • Reduce stress levels: By evaluating situations and determining what deserves a reaction, you can reduce your stress levels. Mindfulness can help you determine what is worth your time and energy, leading to less stress and conflict in your life.

  • Boost your immune system: Stress can wear down our bodies and negatively impact our health. By practicing mindfulness and reducing stress, we can strengthen our immune system and improve our overall health.

This is just a brief introduction to the world of mindfulness. Join me next week as we explore "2 Solid Reasons to Practice Mindfulness" and introduce an exercise to help you along the way. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to connect. 

Blessings & Love,



The Power of Mindfulness for Living in the Present Moment


Introducing Thankful Hearts Coaching